Young Person Face IT
Online support for young people with conditions or injuries affecting their appearance
Get Started
Get Started
If you would like to start YP Face IT, please tell the person who told you about it (e.g. your doctor or psychologist) as they will give you a username and password to login to the full YP Face IT programme and all the sessions.
If you heard about YP Face IT from a charity, or because you found our page another way (e.g. on the internet), please ask your parent/carer to register you.
You can work through the programme at home. Have you read the 'about' section and watched the videos on the homepage?
If you have a question about the activities within YP Face IT, try asking your family for help or e-mail the YP Face IT team:
We hope you enjoy YP Face IT!
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Register to use YP Face It
Certain features of this site are available to members only. Click register to use the site.